Monday 1 August 2011

29th July – London

Mark says, “The V&A Museum – we decided to spend a couple of hours in the V&A Museum before meeting up with Heidi in the early afternoon. We really didn’t know what to expect and were quite simply astounded at the museum and its contents. The size of some items combined the minute detail of their designs, particularly the replica of Trajan’s column from Rome, was startling. Michelle got to see Charles I chair and I got to see a Bernini sculpture. It was a short visit, too short, and is a must see next time we visit London”.

He says everything much shorter and sweeter than I do! We left the museum to meet up with my friend Heidi. Heidi and I started our club ‘Swoon’ together in Second Life around four years ago, so this meeting was a long time coming. We were both beside ourselves with excitement! We met up in Camden Town – which is an interesting place in itself! Full of punks and hippies and some bizarre people. We went to a little pub and had some champagne – seemed like a fitting thing to do, and spent a couple of hours just chatting. It was just fabulous being with her – in the flesh – and its something I will always remember. It was a great visit to say the least. Love ya Minnie!

That night, we were lucky enough to go and see ‘Wicked’ at the Apollo Theatre. Jamie had bought tickets for me for my birthday and so Mark got lucky as well. It was a great performance, we both really enjoyed it – it was, well, wicked really! A fabulous last day in London all in all. I will say though, we would both really like to come back and spend a week or two in London itself (and yes, my Liverpudlian friend Anne, I hear you already, a week or two in the north of England as well!). There were so many fabulous things to see and do in London, especially the museums, which you could easily spend a day or two in just one of them alone. So, we’ve done the palaces – next time it’s the (north and) the museums!

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