Saturday 3 June 2023

26 May 2023: Toronto to Minneapolis

We raced off to Evviva for a yummy breakfast of pancakes and berries, with reasonably good coffee! We jumped into another mad Uber ride to the airport and as has been the case so far with Air Canada, got through the check in process quickly and easily. Once on board though - there was delay after delay. We ended up sitting on the tarmac for just over an hour. 

The flight itself was good - flying over the lakes was amazing. Small inland oceans really, they are so huge. Once we hit Minneapolis we grabbed an Uber to the hotel. This was the first lazy, unwelcoming Uber driver of the trip. The motel was nice, big comfy beds and pillows, and once we got settled in, we headed down to an attached bar 'Jimmy’s, which the reception lady went to great pains to point out how we could have things charged to our room but that they were not affiliated with them in any way. OK. We headed across the road as there was some diner that was not entirely unlike Sizzlers. We had … something. And saw a man in high heeled crocs. I have decided to take photos of all stylish crocs that I see now and send them to Jamie (because crocs horrify her).

There was a meet and greet with the bride and groom so that the guests could mingle a little before the big day. We were joined by Kevin and Will, two of Ben’s groomsmen and we had some really good discussions about the differences in our cultures and flora and fauna (everyone wants to know about Australian spiders) and about different places to visit in New York and Brisbane. This was also the first time we had met Ben. He’s a really nice guy. Perfect for Shea (not that we have any input!) and very personable. I think it’s going to be a fun wedding.

After maybe one set of wines too many (it was happy hour/s and 2 for 1) we went inside for some dinner. I had a blackened walleye (fish, I didn’t know that until I asked) and Mark had a steak. It was a nice meal!

I don’t really have much more to add here. It was a quiet day all in all, just getting organised and ready for the wedding. It was nice to meet people and catch up with others that we knew. Good conversations, good (ish) wine and a good meal. A good start all in all!

Check out the photos here!

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