Tuesday 19 September 2017

17 Sept: San Francisco (day 1)

Time to leave the Groveland Hotel. Mark needed a real coffee, so we hit a little cafe before we left. His small latte was bloody huge! 
It was about a three hour drive into San Francisco - mostly along nice country roads, so I drove a little (just a little). All of a sudden it was a six lane freeway again and the traffic jam on a Sunday afternoon was a bit unexpected. We checked in and went for a stroll down to Fisherman’s Wharf. This city is just fabulous - if you come here, come on a weekend, as everything was happening on Sunday night. The streets were packed, there were (very good) buskers everywhere, street vendors and the best of all, completely hotted up cars cruising up and down the street. There is also a lot of pot. It’s a little like wandering around Nimbin. If you breathe deeply as you walk around, you’ll probably get a little stoned. There’s lots of homeless people, and many have signs that ask for money for weed - at least they’re honest! It turns out that California voted and decided to decriminalise it. In a year or two, licenses will be available for sellers. Think of the tax the state will make! This is big business at it’s best LOL. 

We wandered over and had a look at the sea lions and then decided to have an early dinner. Seafood, seafood, Italian or seafood? Guess which won. We sat down at Pompei, and were greeted with a hard-to-decide-from menu. I couldn’t go past the roasted Dungeness crab. Mark settled on a seafood basket. When they gave me a bib, I knew I was in for some serious crab cracking. OMG, it was good. I mean really good. So fresh and so perfectly cooked. While we were eating this slice of seafood magnificence, the hotted up cars paraded up and down the street. It was like something from a Cheech and Chong movie - they bounced and jacked up, one side and then the other. One was jacked up so high on one side it was doing a wheelie. They had hip-hop music blaring, very cool guys in sunglasses and chains, and they were too cool for school. They didn’t even look around at everyone cheering and taking photos - they just kept nodding their heads in time with the music. It was hilarious and so much fun. They were taking people for rides, making the most of the tourist industry. Most of the riders also looked like they were right at home and joined in with the staring straight ahead, head nodding vibe. It was a great introduction to a fun, exciting city.

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