Monday 4 September 2017

So many trips, so little blog entries!

We never got around to finishing this European blog. We went to Pompeii and there was so much happening, and we were so exhausted, we didn't finish writing and posting. We drove up the Amalfi coast, which was crazy busy, went to Sorrento and Naples, and on to Rome. Maybe one day I'll fill in the blanks.

Since that trip, we've been to Bali, London and Hong Kong. We stayed in an elephant safari park in Bali and scrubbed elephants clean. We walked around London for 10 days and saw The Book of Mormon and a million other fabulous things. We stopped over at Hong Kong on the way back and while The Peak was pretty amazing (and vertigo inducing), DISNEYLAND was the amazing part. Mark humours me and is so patient.

Enough of the past - here comes the future. In 9 days (14th September, 2017) we leave for the US. This is my 50th birthday present. The REAL Disneyland. This has been a lifetime dream for me and it's about to happen. We're going to California, Arizona and Nevada, with lots of stops along the way. We're driving, meeting my long-time-but-never-seen-in-the-flesh friend Connie who will be my bridesmaid at a sleazy, greasy Elvis wedding renewal ceremony in Vegas. We're catching up with Fairy Princess Petal and having a squiz around Flagstaff. We'll go the Grand Canyon, and survive a scary helicopter ride, and we'll see the wonders of Antelope Canyon and Monument Valley. We'll start off with Yosemite and San Francisco. (OK, so I did this all backwards). Jamie will meet us in Vegas (yay, I don't have to sit between her and Mark on the plane again, trying to make them behave) and then we're all of to Disneyland! Six whole days in Disneyland, which includes the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party. There's also a day at Universal studios for Jamie to play in Harry Potter world.

The planning has been huge. Where Europe was safer to book far in advance, it seems it's the opposite in the US. Maybe it's their current political climate, but the prices for plane fares and accommodation are on the way down. Such is life. We've also been through one of the most trying times in our lives with personal stuff and health issues - so this trip is a shining light in the distance that's fast approaching.

We're all ready though - and I plan to blog again so we don't forget about all the little stuff along the way. A few more days to finalise things - and then we're off! See you on the plane!

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